Allodoxaphobia (Fear of Opinions) - Psych Times

Their intense fear of other people making opinions of them or just opinions in general may be deeply rooted in their own insecurities as they may be extremely critical of …

心理咨询师 告诉我们,亲密关系是增强安全感的重要一环,患者需要尽可能地去改善自己与家人,尤其是与父母之间的情感关系,并从中学会欣赏自己。. 这是一种非常好的方法,在亲密关系中减少相互间的 …

选择恐惧症(Phobia of choice),又称选择困难症(Dyschooia)、选择焦虑症、选择障碍症.

4.选择恐惧症Allodoxaphobia e.g. In addition, excursions should be taken into consideration if you have allodoxaphobia (fear of making a choice) or you are in a dilemma.

1、Nyctophobia 惧夜症:医学上的名词叫做惧夜症,就是害怕黑暗的意思。. 2、Acrophobia 惧高症:惧高症。. 3、Agoraphobia 惧空旷症:惧空旷症、市集畏惧症,害怕广大的开放空间。. 4 …

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