习近平总书记在给外文出版社外国专家的回信中指出,翻译是促进人类文明交流的重要工作。通过准确传神的翻译介绍,让世界更好认识新时代的中国,对推进中外文明交流互鉴很有意义。 历史上一次次的翻译高潮,都为中华文化带来了新的养分;而历史悠久的中华文明也通过一代代中...
“龙”竟然应该翻译为loong?网友:我学的英文都是dragon啊!甲辰龙年到 很多网友晒出龙年活动照片 其中有一个有趣的现象 很多“龙”不再翻译为dragon 而是loong loong典出何处?dragon...
中国甲辰龙年倒计时,《牛津英语词典》(Oxford English Dictionary)近日“上新”,这部英语世界公认的权威词典史上第一次将“Chinese dragon(中国龙)”一词收入。上海市欧美同学会研究中...
Beijing ranked first for the number of total international collaboration publications, and Hong Kong leads in the share of international collaboration publications of the city's total publications. All four Chinese cities ranked top five for the CA...
Chinese New Year, also known as the spring festival, is the most important celebration in the Chinese calendar. The spring festival celebrates the start of new life and the season of ploughing and sowing. 中国的新年,又名春节,是中国人一年中最重要的...
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