"I am on it" vs. "I am at it" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange

What does the latter mean? I found the definition of the former on Urban Dictionary and understand that it means I'm going to solve it shortly. For instance: A: This guy is …

This often occurs in rendering a common sequence of words or, as in French, in maintaining a flowing sound. 'I'm' is always used in conjunction with a noun phrase. You …

Among other differences, I'm is informal, and it's more common in speech than writing regardless of formality. Plus "I am" can stand alone as a two-word reply to a question …

8. I'mma is a slang contraction of I'm gonna. It's common in some dialects; others use it only in an affected manner similar to lolspeak. It's good to know what it means, but I would …

"I'm looking forward to" means I'm doing it right now, this very instance, like in Elendil's example of being on the phone with a friend; I disagree that it's about formal vs non …

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