该年级是第一次使用人教版新教材,为了给学生提供更合适的个性化学习资源,备课组组织教师编写了人教版新教材同步练习。在实际的听课以及与学生的交流中,我总结了几点英语课后练习编写的注意事项。 回避生僻用法。教师在编写英语资料时,会采用大量字典、网络上的例句,在...
今天,广州市中考正式放榜。此时此刻的你是不是正在充满希(jiao)望(xing)地看着自己的分数呢? 到这里,今年中考告一段落。即将初三的学子,明年看你们的了!在这里,小南先来为你们送本秘籍...
1. 從該表格我們可以看出:As we can see from the table=As can be seen from the table=As is shown in the table=As is presented in the table=As is revealed in the table=As is demonstrated in the table=As is depicted in the table=As is illustrated in th...
Nowadays many people prefer ___ (主题) because it plays a significant role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. On the one hand, ___ (主题的优点1). On the other hand, ___ (主题的优点2). But everything can be divided ...
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