
2 邮箱地址怎么说 Saying email addresses @ 读作 “at”,所以,John@gmail.com就是"John, at, gmail, dot, com"。 如果用户名的部分有标点符号,常见的几种这么读: / 读作"forward slash...

1.I will conclude by saying.. 最后我要说... 2.Therefore,we have the reason to believe that... 因此,我们有理由相信... 3.All things considered, 总而言之, 4.Therefore,in my op...

Partly, no doubt, this is due to a patchy pensions system. But it also reflects a culture of “never saying no to your parents”, says an “All is Well” fan in Beijing. 毫无疑问,这在一定程度上是由于养老金体系不够完善所致。但来自北京的一位《都挺好...

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