@青岛市民 公共场所的“神翻译”见过吗?速来纠错吧

为此,需要继续扩大规范工作范围,做好纠错检查和审核把关;推动建立长效工作机制,加强各部门、区市间的联动配合、加强源头管理;并继续加强调研学习,对标先进城市,提升常态化工作水平。 近期,青岛市有关部门制作了外语标识规范宣传片,启动在线征集错误外语标识行动,号召...

如“雨天路滑”翻译为“The Slippery Are Very Crafty”。“Crafty”不是“滑哧溜”的“滑”,是“滑头”的“滑”。 市民:翻译越简单越好 昨天的采访中,大部分市民赞成对通用标识的英文译法进行规范,尤其是路标和地名。曾在英国留学的刘小姐说,“通用标识的英文是给外...

Look at this branch on the ground.你把它的树皮剥开看看就知道了。You'll know when you peeloff its bark.王渊源:哦,原来树皮下面是红的呀!Oh, it's red beneath the bark!韩佳: 这下知道为什么叫红树了吧。Now you understand why it'scalled "red tree"...

Over the past two years, the farm has attracted volunteers from the community like Marcy Clark. She schools her four children at home. On a recent day she brought them to E...

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