国际丨美国一公司推出“喷火机器狗” 个人或政府都可购买



2023年世界互联网大会乌镇峰会日益临近,为做好展会的电力保障,今年峰会的多个场馆,均启用了众多智能辅助设备。 11月3日,中国蓝新闻记者在互联网之光博览中心配电房里,见证了一只机器狗...

# Example: say ("Welcome to Boston Dynamics. I am Spot, a robot dog with a lot of heart! Let's begin the tour.") # Causes the robot to ask a question, and then wait for a r...

General instruction blockYou are a dog foot contact pattern expert.Your job is to give a velocity and a foot contact pattern based on the input.You will always give the output in the correct format no matter what the input is.Gait definition blockT...

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