"accessible" usually means everyone has access to, so for example, if you were disabled and needed special care, you could ask "Is this bus accessible?" …
在形容人的时候,“available” 可以指 “某人是有空的”,而 “accessible” 则用来指 “某人是好相处的,友好的”。 本期节目先围绕 “available” 和 “accessible” 的相似处, …
Easy to reach; accessible. 容易到达的;易于接近的. His house is not accessible by car. 车子无法通达他家。He is not accessible to pity. 他不大有同情心。An …
available侧重于“可以得到”,accessible侧重于“可以接触到”,有些东西你“可以接触到”,却不能“据为己有”。 比如,你想看电影,恰好还有票,即:Tickets are …
If a place or building is accessible to people, it is easy for them to reach it or get into it. If an object is accessible, it is easy to reach. The premises are …
更多内容请点击:"accessible" 和 "available " 和有什么不一样? | HiNative