谈论天气常用英语词汇 - 英语口语精华 - 立思辰留学

cool 凉爽(大约20度左右) cold 冷的 one hundred degrees centigrade.摄氏一百度 seven degrees below zero.零下七度(摄氏) 描绘好天气常用词汇 Sunny 阳光 Clear 晴朗 rainbow 彩虹 dew 露水 描绘恶劣天气常用词汇 hot 热的 windy 有风 breezy 微风阵阵 piercing win...

Wind chills in the 40-below range can cause frostbite in a matter of minutes, the National Weather Service warned. But there were those who reveled in it. "I love the cold...

“Envoys are traditionally defined as messengers,” continues Nowlan. “We chose this name deliberately, as the artists we collaborate with essentially become the messenger...

­ 再也不会淋雨 会播报天气的智能雨伞 ­ 此外,TARAbrella 另一特别之处在于可防止遗失,只要在放置时摘掉柄上的警报器,一但与 TARAbrella 距离超过 9 米时,警报器便会即时发出声响通知大家,也不用担心会被人偷走。 ­ 再也不会淋雨 会播报天气的智能雨伞 ­ 最后还有...

又到了每年的雨季时分,经常要带着雨伞出门,但是还是免不了被浇成落汤鸡。不过在 TARAbrella 这把智能雨伞出现之后,就无需如此麻烦了,因为它会通知大家未来几小时内是否会下雨,只要大家在出们前望一望 TARAbrella 上的警示灯,即可决定是否带它外出。 TARAbrella智能雨...

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