Mumbai-based Artists ‘Hari & Deepti’ Revealed as the next...

“Envoys are traditionally defined as messengers,” continues Nowlan. “We chose this name deliberately, as the artists we collaborate with essentially become the messenger...

­ 再也不会淋雨 会播报天气的智能雨伞 ­ 此外,TARAbrella 另一特别之处在于可防止遗失,只要在放置时摘掉柄上的警报器,一但与 TARAbrella 距离超过 9 米时,警报器便会即时发出声响通知大家,也不用担心会被人偷走。 ­ 再也不会淋雨 会播报天气的智能雨伞 ­ 最后还有...

又到了每年的雨季时分,经常要带着雨伞出门,但是还是免不了被浇成落汤鸡。不过在 TARAbrella 这把智能雨伞出现之后,就无需如此麻烦了,因为它会通知大家未来几小时内是否会下雨,只要大家在出们前望一望 TARAbrella 上的警示灯,即可决定是否带它外出。 TARAbrella智能雨...

These are the highlights of a roundup by the World Meteorological Organization of some of the extreme weather events currently taking place in the Northern Hemisphere. Euro...

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