八国峰会:布什过生日 获赠不倒翁

Bush was also presented with a baseball windbreaker and a birthday cake shaped like aball parkwith a Texas Rangers logo. "The president told our prime minister that he thou...

"As you know I used to be in pro sports," said Bush, the former owner of baseball's Texas Rangers. "I never had the pleasure of winning anything." Miami coach Pat Riley gav...

将神农架通过体育赛事推向国际,实现“走出去”。▼▼▼03.越野跑,影响一片山海这种现象,在国内外多个精品赛事中已得到充分验证,而来到第四届的2024 UTSS神农架森林越野跑通过七年磨...

BROMPTON从中汲取灵感,推出Explore系列并收获了广大布友的喜爱。2023年BROMPTON的冒险之旅又启新篇章,联合全球探险家Bear Grylls共同打造Brompton × Bear Grylls bike,一起超越城市界...

世界上只有两种皮卡,一种是福特,一种是其他。福特皮卡之所以有这种底气,除了自身是皮卡品类开创者和百年皮卡制造经验以外,还有至今为止都被业界奉为标杆的“Built Ford Tough精神”,即...

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