Jiangsu Financial Leasing: Exploiting the Advantages of...

Over the past two years, Jiangsu Financial Leasing has always been growing with shipowners. Up to now, Jiangsu Financial Leasing boasts a fleet of 54 vessels with a total c...

In boxing, the heavy hitter is the one who throws the hardest punches. In American baseball, the legendary Babe Ruth, who hit a lot of home runs in his day, was clearly a h...

车主在停驶前后分别拍摄上传行驶里程,停驶24小时以上即可出售碳减排量并获得微信红包,还可以获得电子优惠券等奖励,出现重污染天气时,奖励还将加倍(the reward will be doubled on heavy...

Wreckage也表示残骸,不过wreckage指被毁坏物体遗留下来的残骸;debris则是毁坏过程中四散开来或者飞出去的的残骸碎片,此外debris还有垃圾的意思,如海洋废弃物(marine debris)、太空垃圾(...

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