A large indoor space could also be described as cavernous, which would imply larger than normal and probably with a bit of an echo, or other distinct sound characteristics. A cavity is …
cave与hole、cavity、grotto等名词都有“洞,穴”的意思,具体区别如下: hole普通用词,泛指固体物中的空间或某物可穿过的空间。 cave指较大的天然洞窟,如山洞、岩洞等,也可指人造的窑洞。
"Cavity" is not very common outside of the dentist saying you have a cavity (a hole in the tooth). Other than that, "cavity" is used when speaking about the human body and refers to …
A large indoor space could also be described as cavernous, which would imply larger than normal and probably with a bit of an echo, or other distinct sound characteristics. A cavity is …
hole : 最普通用词,泛指实体上的洞、孔或坑,不涉及其大小、深浅或穿透与否。 cave : 指出洞、窑洞或溶洞,可以是天然的或人造的。 cavity比hole正式,指实体内中或表面的空洞或空腔。 hollow : 通常指表面上 …
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