加之那时候年轻,说话没有顾忌,我坚持认为用chairman这个单词不符合英文逻辑,而应该用president。最后大家达成一致,决定一改建国30多年的传统,把国家主席翻译成president,报上级审批并最终得到批准。这就形成了过去有Chairman Mao Zedong, Chairman Liu Shaoqi,和Chair...
改为:I believe I can do it well and l will know the world outside the campus better. 三、句子不完整 在口语中,交际双方可借助手势、语气等来理解对方的意思,不完整的句子也完全可以被理解。可是书面语就不同了,句子结构不完整会令意思表达不清,这常常发生在主句...
Dr. Markus Kamieth, BASF Group's Executive Board Chairman, expressed his strong impression of Guangdong's leading innovation capabilities in China. This has boosted BASF's confidence in continuously expanding its investment in the region. As a resu...