BEIJING, Feb. 13 (Xinhua) -\- The Chinese dragon, also known as the "loong," is prominent in Chinese mythology as a legendary and auspicious creature. Unlike their European counterparts, Chinese dragons don't exhale fire. Instead, they are often lin...
Customs of Chinese New Year丨“老外”过春节习俗指南 Follow us Starting from December 12th, 2023, the English version of "Minhang Today" will be launched. We will showcase t...
今天刊登的是来自ValeyVast 英语俱乐部的Joy小朋友的投稿。她说春节期间,我们吃的饺子有着丰富的寓意,象征着一年的丰收。同时,人们也喜欢穿上红色的新衣服,寓意着新的一年红红火火...
这并不是农历新年的英文表述第一次在海外引发争议。十多年前,外国元首和国际组织负责人在向华人拜年时,说的都是“Happy Chinese New Year”。然而,这个说法在美国遭到了一些韩裔和越...
The Chinese New Year 二十四节气,是历法中表示自然节律变化以及确立“十二月建”的特定节令。一岁四时,春夏秋冬各三个月,每月两个节气,每个节气均有其独特的含义。廿四节气准确的反映...
更多内容请点击:Xinhua Headlines: People worldwide embrace Dragon Year Spring... 推荐文章