Xinhua Headlines: People worldwide embrace Dragon Year Spring...

BEIJING, Feb. 13 (Xinhua) -\- The Chinese dragon, also known as the "loong," is prominent in Chinese mythology as a legendary and auspicious creature. Unlike their European counterparts, Chinese dragons don't exhale fire. Instead, they are often lin...

also known as the Lunar New Year. These days Chinese natives are busy with the preparation. Just as important as Christmas in the West, Chinese New Year is China's grandest...

“Chinese New Year”(红色)和 “Lunar New Year”(蓝色)被美国人搜索的热度,近两年使用后者的人超过了前者(Google Trend)与此类似的现象是,西方近些年开始用问候语“各种节快...

每日一词∣新春祝福 Chinese New Year greetings 中华民族传统节日农历牛年春节即将到来之际,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平来到贵州,看望慰问各族干部群众,向全国各...

图③:2月4日,中兴堂龙狮团的柬埔寨小伙子们在中国驻柬埔寨大使馆进行中国鼓表演。人民日报记者 赵益普 摄 身处异国他乡,年味总关乡愁。中国农历新年之际,身处海外的华侨华人纷纷举办节目汇演、舞龙舞狮、花车巡游等庆祝活动。海外各界民众热热闹闹庆新春,在体验中华文...

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