
6、论文注记 (dissertation note) 栏: 如果是“本校学位毕业论文”,会重述跟出版者字段一样的内容,如ph.d。 (london) thesis 1984 lse。。 *蔡英文的却是 thesis (ph.d。) london schoo...

6、论文注记 (Dissertation Note) 栏: 如果是“本校学位毕业论文”,会重述跟出版者字段一样的内容,如Ph.D。 (London) thesis 1984 LSE。。 *蔡英文的却是 Thesis (Ph.D。) London Schoo...

作为NBA现役年纪最大的球员,8届全明星,扣篮大赛冠军以及奥运会金牌获得者,文斯-卡特即将迈入自己职业生涯的第20个赛季。I still learn. I still have a lot to learn. I still respect the game. I will not disrespect this game, because it has been good to me.

如doctoral dissertation defense 博士学位论文答辩。 最后,不管毕业后你将身在何方,你将为何所忙,小编祝福大家: Congratulations, graduate. May all your dreams and plans turn to f...

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