愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。 5. I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人刚入店时) I hope you are enjoying your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人在饭店逗留期间) I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us. 希望...
When traveling in China, handling simple tasks like addressing hotel room issues can be a little challenging. To make your travels easier, let's learn some simple Chinese p...
对不起,我没听懂你说的'。 2. Sorry, I didnt understand. 抱歉,我听不懂。 3. Sorry, I didnt get what you said. 对不起,我没听懂你说的话。 4. I cant hear you very well. 我听不太...
中新网杭州9月8日电(鲍梦妮 柳景春 叶佳)“翻译的过程中有艰涩,也有快乐。我能理解作者,了解很多东西、学习新知识。最后作品成功出版,也证明了我自己。”9月8日,在杭州市拱墅区举行的金...
A:您旅行愉快吗?Did you have a nice trip? B:很好,谢谢您。Yes, thank you. 再见。 Goodbye. 祝你有愉快的一天。 Have a nice day. 回头见。 See you later. A:您会说英语吗?Can you speak English? B:只会一点。Only a little. A:您好,海南酒店前台,有什么可以帮您吗?
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