Full text of Chinese President Xi's speech at 17th SCO summit

Friendship and Cooperation. The two documents lay down the principles and give guidance to SCO member states in their work. Firmly committed to the Shanghai Spirit, SCO member states are making solid progress on the road of

美方与其对其他国家间的正常合作妄加评论、横加干涉,不如认真履行美国清理所罗门群岛二战期间遗弃未爆炸弹药的承诺,为所罗门群岛的民众多做一些实事。 Zhao Lijian: Prime Minister Man...

社交媒体时代,朋友也开始用作动词,意思是加好友:I'm going to friend her on Facebook(我打算在脸书上加她好友)。这样加来加去,产生一个“朋友圈”,给了朋友新的定义:在社交媒体上全天候不间断分享社会新闻、国际局势、吃喝拉撒、所见所思的人。(肖胡)

而看见某人好像有什么麻烦不要说“what‘s wrong with you?”,这是在问“你(脑子)有什么毛病!”,此类情况去掉 wrong 就可以了。 “beautiful” 夸女孩子漂亮,不要动不动就 beautiful(除非你是真的这么觉得),那是最高级别的夸赞了,可以换成good - looking pretty beaut...

朝鲜驻中国新一任大使2月份已到任,中国驻朝鲜大使什么时候轮换?  Kyodo News: July 11 marks the 60 anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Mu...

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