
一、利用巧妙的课堂导入激发兴趣 德国教育家第斯多惠说:“教育的艺术不在于传授知识。而在于激励、唤醒、鼓舞。”英语有一则谚语说,“良好的开端,就是成功了一半。”(A good beginn...

He hurried off after receiving a phone call, leaving all his work half done. Better leave it unsaid. [谚] 话还是不讲出来为好。 Leave future to take care of itself. 让未来自然发展。 She left me to take care of the baby. 她托我照顾她的婴儿。

Never half-heartedly should be the correct interpretation of “never done anything by halves”. To do something by halves, you see, is to literally get something halfway done and not to complete the job. Children often do things by halves, or by ha...

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