路牌"神翻译"闹笑话 中英结合"洗你一快乐旅程"

“祝君一路平安”这个问候标牌横在马路正上方,温馨亲切,咋一看没什么异常,但英文专业的熊小姐一眼就看出下面一排小字体的英文翻译有问 题,“Wash you a happy travel”,这怎么读,“洗你一快乐旅程?不仅wish(祝愿)写成了wash(洗),句式也是中英结合,太诡异了!”...

Hello there! I'm Happy Yuanyuan.我是快乐的韩佳And I'm Merry Han Jia.很高兴又在周末加油站里和您见面了I'm so pleased to see you all again onthis edition of Weekly Filling Station.渊源 你是第一次来厦门吗Yuanyuan, is this your first time...

Gratitude: Write down 3 things you're grateful for every morning, or before you go to sleep. It's proven to make you more relaxed, healthy and happy - and seem to increase ...

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