
美联社报道 舒亚·威尔莫特(Shua Wilmot)和里根·塞拉亚(Raegan Zelaya)是霍顿大学的两名宿舍管理人员,他们接受采访时说,由于他们的名字不常见且偏向中性,在与他人进行电子邮件...

A. her not being able B. her being not able C. her to be not able D. her not to be able 3、She apologized for___to attend the meeting. A. her being not able B. her to be not able C. her not to be able D. her not being able to 4、He opened the door ...

3. What can you learn from him/her? 点击查看 金山区: Write at least 60 words on the topic "'Double Reduction Policy' affects me". 全国义务教育阶段都在实施“双减政策”。“政...

更多内容请点击:只因使用性别代词“他/她”,美国一大学两名员工被炒 推荐文章