5、疑问句。用于开头,来个设问句,在自问自答,提出自己观点;用于段中,比如举设想的例子:Can you imagine that?/ How can one imagine? 6、定语从句,/ something on which we depend 7、T...
1. You wouldn’t hurt a fly.你心肠真好。 表达“wouldn’t hurt a fly”或“wouldn’t even hurt a fly”的意思是“连苍蝇都不忍伤害”,指一个人“非常善良,心肠很好”。 2. You have...
-It would be great/the best if you could... 这就是传说中比"Could you please..."还要更加委婉的请求式句型了。 10、No problem 在国内学到的是: - Could you help me with xxx? - N...
Thanks. I'm glad I can help you! 谢谢你的称赞,很高兴能够帮到你。 2. 谦虚回应型:哪里哪里 Oh, it's nothing! You are flattering me/I'm flattered. 哪里哪里,你过奖了。 Thank you...
出于礼貌会加一句How about you?回答也都是Good, Great, No complaints之类。年轻人比较爱说:What’s up? What’s new? 回答一般就说“Nothing much.”都是出于礼貌的客套话。我一直以...