
形容词最高级“sweetest”不是说人“味道很甜”,而是指人的性格“讨人喜欢,亲切体贴”。所以这句话实际上是在说:“你真好!”。 4. Your heart is in the right place.你是个好心肠的人...

But after sometimes he realises his strength and start doing every single thing to come out of it. And he comes out but that journey is though very painful but when you once crossed it you will find your journey very meaningful, you will feel like ...

3. It is righteous! 酷毙了! 这是cool的最高级了, 如果一件事让你无法用neat形容, 那就只好用这个词了, 有人说他刚环游世界一周回来, 你就可以跟他说, "It's righteous!" 4. It's good...

例如:Daisy, keep your hands up... Way to go. Very good.(Daisy, 双手保持抬高,非常好! 很好!) 2.in fifth place:第五名 3.tough: 不屈不挠的,顽强的,也可以用来指“棘手的、费劲的”,例如:That was tough work.(那是棘手的工作。)

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