爱的反义词不是孤独。 在 我们的心灵深处,爱和孤独其实是同一种情感,它们如影随形,不可分离。愈是在我们感觉孤独之时,我们便愈是怀有强烈的爱之渴望。 也许可以说,一个人对孤独的体验与...
“承·全爱 LOVE is ALL”是周生生于2014年推出的全新婚嫁主题,希望传达出对幸福婚姻的定义,不仅仅是羡煞旁人的甜蜜,也不仅仅是一段唯美的誓言,而是经得起凡尘岁月的涤荡,才能兑现挽手...
Marrying for love may be a bit risky, but it is so honest that God can't help but smile on it. (Josh Billings) 为了爱情结婚也许有点冒险,但这真情实意让上帝除了微笑也无能为力...
John Bowlby and Donald Winnicott seem to say that we learn about love in roughly three stages.8 Our first love is narcissistic9—not an entirely pleasant thought, though be...
"Darling, you fed me in the concentration camp when I was hungry. And I am still hungry, for something I will never get enough of: I am only hungry for your love." 相关阅读...