Lucky - Lenka - 单曲 - 网易云音乐

歌曲名《Lucky》,由 Lenka 演唱,收录于《Lucky》专辑中。《Lucky》下载,《Lucky》在线试听,更多相关歌曲推荐尽在网易云音乐

Lucky Lyrics by Lenka- including song video, artist biography, translations and more: You are that cherry on top The apple of my eye …

Lucky Lyrics: You are that cherry on top, the apple of my eye / You had me at hello and I'll never say goodbye / You're a diamond in the rough, a …

"Lucky" lyrics. Lenka Lyrics. "Lucky" You are that cherry on top. The apple of my eye. You had me at hello. And I'll never say goodbye. …

Lenka - Lucky Lyrics. Artist: Lenka. Album: Lucky. Heyo! SONGLYRICS just got interactive. Highlight. Review: RIFF-it. RIFF-it good. You …

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