都是在讲试验的结果句型结构基本一致,前半句再讲一半的受测者在盒子里面找到了玩具,后半句肯定是再说另半会怎么样,两个小分句的结构基本一致Half of them = the other half,found=16,a toy= the container was empty,所以16题填入的应该是found的同义词,发现的含义,故...
这个句子做完标记后为:Li Hui is a teacher (teaching English) (in Beijing) (which is the capital) (of China). 可以看出,做完标记后的句子层次变得清晰了很多,很容易就能看出该句子是由一个主系表结构的主干加上四个修饰成分组成的。原句直译起来稍显复杂,但是加...
假若在many of... 的前面加上连词and,则选答案B。比较以下各题(答案均选A): (1) He asked a lot of questions, none of ___ was easy to answer. A. which B. them C. what D. that (2) He asked a lot of questions, and none of ___ was easy to answer. A. them B...