
共筑友谊与交流桥梁,23国青年学子共聚港科大(广州)PLACE夏令营 7月26日,香港科技大学(广州)举办PLACE(Playshop for Language and Cultural Exchange)语言与文化交流PLACE夏令营...

近日,Timeplus流数据平台成功上架青云科技KubeSphere Marketplace! 关于Timeplus流数据平台 Timeplus是一个简单、强大且经济的流处理平台。它提供强大的一站式服务,帮助数据工程师快速、直观地处理流和历史数据。适用不同行业不同规模的数据团队,融合使用 SQL、JavaSc...

中国青年报客户端讯(陈家鹏 中青报·中青网记者 林洁)近日,香港科技大学(广州)PLACE(Playshop for Language and Cultural Exchange)语言与文化交流夏令营(简称“PLACE夏令营”)启动。夏...

● Enforce accountability for workplace safety ► Overhaul and eliminate potential dangers in gas, hazardous chemicals, water transport, fishing vessels, road traffic and fire control ● Improve food and drug safety ► Keep food safe from farm to t...

In the 20th century, momentous historical changes took place in China. The Revolution of 1911, led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, abolished the feudal monarchy and gave birth to the Republic of China. However, the historic mission of the Chinese people to opp...

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