(purpose) (固定短语:for the sake of 为了…的目的,看在…的份上) SC Simplified Chinese 目的,份上 mù dì ,fèn shàng TC Traditional Chinese 目的
这篇译文为求准确而不惜牺牲自然流畅。 She gave up smoking for the sake of her health. 为保持身体健康,她戒了烟。 Don't get married just for the sake of it . 不要为结婚而结婚。 Let's suppose, for the …
Let's say, just for the sake of argument /for argument's sake (= for the purpose of this discussion), that prices rise by three percent …
精米歩合的标准系由日本国税厅在1989年(平成元年)11月22日公告之“清酒之制法品质表示基准”所明文规定。 该规定同时定义这里的 “白米”是指将“玄米”, 除去“糠”和“胚芽”等表层部分后的米。 此定义也包含制 …
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