一. 情态动词 should 与 had better should 与 had better 后面都是跟动词原形,有时可以相互替换。前者表示应该做某事,可以表示现在,将来或过去等,由时间状语或上下文提示决定,有一点严肃的语气;后者表示最好做某事,暗示对方有义务去做,常用于长辈对晚辈,或上级对下级...
人大要充分发挥人大代表作用,做到民有所呼、我有所应 People’s congresses should give full play to the role of their deputies, and see to it that they respond to the calls of the people 一切国家机关和国家工作人员必须牢固树立人民公仆意识,把人民放在心...
=Should it snow tomorrow,I would make a snowman If it were to snow tomorrow,I would make a snowman =Were it to snow tomorrow,I would make a snowman 第三部分:虚拟语气在各类...
Smoothed draft : Don’t simply shareyour food. You should also share yourideas, your happiness and even your sadness. 技巧2:过渡段承上启下、自然流畅地推进 Original draft : ...
今年,“外交天团”金句频出,字字铿锵、句句在理,展现了不卑不亢的大国气度。 同时,外交部的翻译也常常令人叫绝,精准地向世界传递出中国声音。 双语君为大家盘点了2021年外交部精彩翻译,...
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