但在美语中还能表示“相信(某种说法)”的意思,比如: ① She said she couldn’t attend my party because she had to prepare for an exam, but I don’t buy it. 她说参加不了我的聚会...
疯疯癫癫 Mad as a hatter is to suggest that a person is suffering from insanity. The phrase had been in use since 1835 to describe an unusual medical condition affecting hat manufacturers. Mad as a hatter指一个人出现精神错乱。从1835年起,这个短语就...
知道内情,懂得(某种行业的)窍门,很内行 例句: We need to bring in somebody who knows the ropes. 我们应该找个懂行的人。 I've never used Linux so I really don't know the ropes o...