Adele: Someone Like You

立思辰留学360澳洲部金牌留学顾问朴锡春老师介绍,自嘲也是澳式幽默的一种,他们会给自己起外号,讲一些好笑的事。澳洲人并不是想要表现自己,只是想要通过这种自嘲来交朋友,或打破尴尬,证明他们也同样会开自己的玩笑,没什么大不了。 了解澳洲人的自嘲,推荐你看: Josh Tho...

Someone like You I heard, that your settled down。 听说,你已心有所属。 That you, found a girl and your married now。 你遇到了她,即将步入婚姻殿堂。 I heard that your dreams came true。 听说,你已美梦成真。 Guess she gave you things, ...

阿黛尔:《Someone Like You》(其著名冠军单曲)的故事是这样的:前男友和我分手后,立马和另一个女孩订婚了。我写那首歌是想让自己快乐一点,而且想努力说服自己,一定会很快遇到一个让自己真正快乐的人。 记者:现在遇到了? 阿黛尔:是的,现男友可比前男友好太多了!(得意大...

Adele: Someone Like You I heard, that you settled down That you, found a girl and you are married now I heard that your dreams came true Guess she gave you things, I didn't give to you Old friend, why are you so shy It ain't like you to hold back o...

3.on the rocks: 加冰块(但不加水)的。例如:At the restaurant, she ordered orange juice on the rocks.(在餐馆里,她叫了一杯加冰块的桔子汁。) on the rocks也可以表示“(关系或生意)...

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