
近年来,越来越多的中国学子选择留学,那其中详解雅思听力配对题的解题技巧?本文则针对这个问题,为大家整理了资料,接下来咱们就一起往下了解吧。 Which team will do each of the followi...

对应原文:第2段:Unique to this region,stepwells are often architecturally complex and vary widely in size and shape 答案解析:原文中第2段开头提到,阶梯井是该地区(印度)所独有的...

答案解析:sugar sand提示大家答案即将到来,从题干可以推测出空上应该填一个形容词,而且跟模样有关,由此锁定cloudy。 第40题答案:litre/liter 对应原文:It takes 40 litres of sap to produce one litre of maple syrup so you can get an idea of how much is needed!...

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