地铁跑酷(Subway Surfers,又被翻译为地铁冲浪者) 万圣节版来了,追你的不再是铁警和猎狗而是科学怪人和僵尸狗(没认错吧?),地铁跑酷(Subway Surfers)是一款制作十分精美的跑酷类游戏,地铁跑酷(Subway Surfers)的操作只需一根指头,游戏可玩性完全不亚于最火爆的神庙逃亡...
JOHNSON KAYRON MELICK American Runner "The hot pot is so good. In America, I love spicy food. So, to come here and eat actual spicy food, it's amazing. It's actually amazing!" I ask if they worry about the spicy food impacting their performance in ...
The countdown for the games has begun on March 18,with 100 days left for the commencement of Chengdu FISU Games.The occasion was marked with a planned activity along the theme of Serve the Games,”.The event was held at the subway station adjacent ...
在英国subway,是翻译为“行人从街道的一边穿行到另一边的地下通道”,即“地下通道”,而不是地铁呀!它还有一个同义词叫underpass英[ˈʌndəpɑ:s],美[ˈʌndərpæs]。举个例子 Th...
我在冷风中等着公交车,满脑子幻想着这几个月会有怎样的奇妙经历。那时候的我,可能还没有想到,这几个月的生活会有多么地令人难忘,以及,匹兹堡的寒冷会有多么地持久。 第二天去逛了学校,卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University 简称CMU)还处于假期,偌大的校园空空荡...
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