“措手不及”,汉语成语,指的是事情突然出意外,一时无法对付。可以翻译为“be caught unprepared,be caught on the wrong foot或be thrown off one’s guard”等。 例句: 这一举动为的是...
“一望无际”,汉语成语,字面意思是一眼看不到边,形容辽阔宽广。可以翻译为“stretch as far as eye can see或stretch to the horizon”。 例句: 眼前是一望无际的平坦空地。 The ocean of flat empty land stretched before us. 远处是一望无际的麦田。 Beyond there ...
“不堪一击”,汉语成语,字面意思是力量薄弱,经不起一击(cannot withstand a single blow),形容十分脆弱,或经不起反驳。可以翻译为“too weak to stand competition [attack],very vulnerable或 (of a theory) that cannot be defended against attack or criticism”...