It's really not that bad if you think about it For once the world has come together Could've been much worse you think about it At least we're not fighting one another There must be hope when we wake up tomorrow When you believe that love is what w...
好想大声说爱你 心系家国的日子里,从策划填词到编排,从单人录制到合唱剪辑,来自全国三十一个省、市、自治区的77名北邮爱乐学子将对前线战士们的敬仰,对同胞的关心,对祖国的热忱,对未来的美好期望,融入歌声里,也在鼓舞每一位北邮青年,将小我融入大我,保持明辨,服从指挥...
《TOGETHER》改编自中国民谣《在路上》,歌词由西语、英语、俄语、意大利语组成,演唱者汇集了格莱美最佳蓝调音乐家Sugar Blue,蓝调名人堂Tom Forst,曾获格莱美三项提名的古巴阿卡贝拉天...
we've been together for forever tell me why why why 我们曾说要永远在一起告诉我为什么 do we have to turn around and say goodbye bye bye 我们真的要转身对彼此说再见吗 and the only thing that's left to do is cry cry cry 而且我唯一剩下能做的事情就是哭泣...
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