初中英语 | 初中英语7-9年级上册超全语法梳理!建议收藏!

若是what 提问物,回答要用 it/they。 若是用 who 提问人,人称代词来应答。 无论单数与复数,其后都可加名词。 情景若是打电话,I'm 和 You're 可不行。 This is 指我是,That is 说对方。

Under Vicki Hollub‘s leadership, Occidental is doing the right things for both its country and its owners. No one knows what oil prices will do over the next month, year, ...

-\-\-She's tired. -\-\-她很疲倦。 2. -\-\-What's the matter? -\-\-怎么了? -\-\-My throat is sore. / I have a sore throat. -\-\-我的喉咙疼。 3. -\-\-How are you, Sarah? You look so happy...

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