
厌恶“重口味 西方有句谚语:You are what you eat. 意思是“人如其食”。对于这句话,医生的解读是:你的饮食习惯在很大程度上造就了你的健康状态。2020 年发表在《中国循环杂志》上的《...

maximum. They call this the “two pizza principle”, that teams should be able to be fed with just two pizzas. This is because too many cooks spoils the broth, and larger t...

If someone uses this proverb, it means that you should not put so much importance on eating. Instead, you should only eat enough to live, but you should not spend too much time thinking about food. 如果有人用这句谚语,那就意味着你不应该把吃饭放在那...

Many proverbs do not mean what they literally say, but in some cases, this proverb is used this way. 许多谚语并不是字面上的意思,但在某些情况下,这句谚语是这样使用的。 Especially for children who do not like to eat their fruits, parents can tell them...

When you laugh, laugh. When you eat, eat like it is your last meal. 我父亲说过,无论做什么都要去做到极致。工作就全力以赴,笑就开怀大笑,吃东西就像是在吃最后一餐一样去享受。 Be...

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