
的确,如果你在英语母语者家里坐客,主人端上来了一份蛋糕,并说:“Do you wanna a piece of cake?”这个短语的释义就是它次级结构语义的相加。但是在另一些情况下,这个短语的意思就与构成它的词汇毫不相干。如果有人问你某个问题你能够解决吗?而你认为解决这个问题非常...

10、我宁愿30投0中,也不愿意9投0中。9投0中意味着你被自己打败了,被比赛吓得不知所措……唯一的解释就是,你已经对自己丧失信心(I would go 0-30 before I would go 0-9. 0-9 means ...

When you do everything yourself, you either run out of ideas or you repeat yourself or the quality goes down. When you franchise out, it can keep going but it’s not really your baby. When we did the American Office, they wanted me to play Michael ...

Also, people who bring food and blankets to the library and just stay there during finals week start to smell weird. Go home and bathe. You can quiz yourself while you wash...

约翰·罗伯茨还评论了一下演讲嘉宾们爱对毕业生说的一句话:“做自己”(Be yourself)。 Unless you are perfect, it does not mean don’t make any changes.除非你完美无瑕,那么这句话...

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