不插电演唱《The Day You Went Away》,引发怀旧潮流 挪威二人组M2M即将重组的消息一经发布,便在音乐圈引起了热烈的讨论。对于许多音乐爱好者而言,M2M不仅仅是一个组合,他们的每一首歌都承载着年轻时的回忆。尤其是那首《The Day You Went Away》,不仅在欧美地区广受欢...
Towards——Zhou Renjie Guitar Concert will be presented by youth guitar player Zhou Renjie from Shanghai Light Music Orchestra, which will give the audience an audio and visual feast. He mixes the voices of drum and bass together and demonstrates t...
据了解,王心凌演唱的《第一次爱的人》的英文版叫做《The Day You Went Away》,是由挪威组合M2M演唱的。《The Day You Went Away》这首歌曲收录在M2M的首张专辑《shades of purple》中,这首歌不仅红遍整个挪威以及整个欧洲,在中国也是有很高的知名度。 The day you wen...
But eventually, I returned for one big reason. Most people go to college for an education, and some go for their parents, but I went for my kids. I’m the father of seven, ...
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