1.Give the other sides opinion, and then give you opinion 2.Give the other side 3.Some people think that 4.Although many people feel that 5.It is claimed that 6.Some people feel that 7.One sentence 8.While it is true that I believe 9.Despite the fa...
1.Do you think argument is important? Yes I do. I believe that argument plays an essential role in changing peoples points of view or persuading people to take a particular...
你还在用 “I’m fine. Thank you.” 回答他人的问候吗?很多人在初学英语的时候,都听过这个经典的对话:“How are you?(你好吗?)”“I’m fine. Thank you. And you?(我还好,谢谢。你呢?)”当他人用英语问候你时,如果总是照搬这个回答方式,听起来就有些重...
结婚以后两个人在一起最重要的是什么? - Question- 就当这婚还没结。 -Answer- 5 把学费拿来念书还是环游世界更合适? 为什么? - Question- 在没有充分的知识作为前提的情况下, 即使行了万里路, 也不过是邮差而已。 -Answer- 6 你是如何强迫自己不断学习提升的?
想象一下,当有一个人周一的时候问候你how are you,你回答别人I am fine。好的,到了周二,TA又问你how are you,你又回答人家I am fine。别人其实已经开始觉得有点无趣了,到了周三,人家再...