Students&Professors 🙋先来介绍下这一部分的讲解人: Mick Grierson UAL Creative Computing Institute 教授&研究负责人 Mick Grierson是UAL CCI的研究负责人。他的研究探索了通过信号...
近日,微软执行副总裁兼首席技术官Kevin Scott宣布成立全新科学智能团队AI4Science,团队集结了机器学习、计算物理、计算化学、分子生物学、软件工程和其他学科领域等多位世界级专家,共同...
The recruitment targets mainly distinguished scholars and outstanding scholars. We plan to recruit prominent academics with remarkable scholarly records to join Tsinghua as...
This person would be called an instructor until the degree has been completed. After that, the instructor could become an assistant professor. Assistant professors do not havetenure. Tenure means a permanent appointment. This goal of greater job se...
澎湃思想周报丨美国的学术自由与学术抵制;双面阿兰·德龙 美国大学的学术自由与学术抵制 2024年8月,美国大学教授协会(American Association of University Professors,简称AAUP)发...
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