The United Nations Environment Program is calling for urgent action to reduce what it says are growing risks from chemicals. The agency says in a new report that better management of chemicals could save millions of lives and billions of dollars. T...
Studies have shown people who text while driving are six-to-eight times more likely to have an accident than drivers who are focused on the road. According to the latest av...
4、On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big? 引用次数:1266 机构:美国华盛顿,Black in AI,The Aether 主题:著名的立场论文,对不断增长的语言模型的趋势...
无论何时、无论何地 当党和人民点名的时候 这一声“到” 铿锵有力、气贯长虹 让所有人看到中国军人是何等的气势! 一声“到!” 一生到每一个军人 在成为战士的第一天 就会大量使用一个字 “到!” 这个字 极简单 极快速 极有力 只要一声令下 中国军人总是冲锋在前 奋勇...
8.Kassam AS, Cunningham EA, Musco SE. Dangers of Rapid Dosing: A Case of Dose-Dependent Drug-Induced Liver Injury From Duloxetine. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2019 Mar 21;21(2):18l02333. 9.医生说 |听说抗抑郁药物伤肝,所以我打算停药了!好心情互联...
更多内容请点击:A UN warning about chemical dangers