
留学知多少|谷爱凌爱吃的“韭菜盒子”,正式英文是……谷爱凌边吃韭菜盒子边等成绩 外媒便问她吃什么 谷爱凌第一时间也没反应过来 然后用中文淡定回答:韭菜盒子 那么用英文该怎么说?...

Chinese dumpling 而莫德的同胞,美国运动员朱莉娅·马里诺在接受美国全国广播公司(NBC)采访时谈到,自己在冬奥村最爱的食物就是饺子,来到北京后她大概吃了200个饺子。 麻辣烫 Spicy hotchpotch Jutta Leerdam, a 23-year-old speed skating athlete from the Netherlan...

Not surprisingly, the Italians managed to turn their dumpling into a popular pasta dish: gnocchi. These mini dumplings are pure potatoes that have been cooked and are then ...


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