In addition, you may be forced to stage your own abduction with the aim of extorting money from your family in this way. Put the phone down and report the incident! If ...
The incident led to 21 deaths, some of China's elite runners were among the dead. Another eight were hospitalized for minor injuries.此次事件导致21人遇难,其中包括几名国内...
2020年8月新闻热词汇总 本月,北京迎入汛以来最强降雨,三峡水库迎来最大洪峰;新发地农产品批发市场分期复市;《新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第八版)》印发;TikTok公司对美国政府...
Accident指不可预知的,偶然发生的意外事件,通常会导致人员受伤或者财务损失等不好的后果,比如:car、traffic accident(车祸);incident指代的范围要大得多,可以指各种事件,好的...
近两年,“大规模枪击事件”(mass shooting)这个词在新闻报道中时常出现,在美国尤为明显。然而,到底什么样的枪击事件堪称“大规模”呢? 维基百科给出的定义是:A mass shooting is an incident involving multiple victims of firearms-related violence(大规模枪击事件...