
It's only now, at the age of 20, that I fully appreciate what those words mean. Chinese people have all stood up as one to fight COVID-19. Medical workers from all over the country descended on Wuhan to save others' lives. Resources including food ...

反复出现的”Full time, you talk your money up/ While it's living in a coal mine”有魔力,听过的人都不会忘记。你甚至怀疑整张专辑都只为它而存在。一个脏兮兮的尖刻比喻,身在矿洞,...

“托马六、唵以、及夫、尤、唵五史为”,这看似乱码的文字,实为英文“tomorrow I give you answer”的汉语音译,看到近日曝光的清朝英语教材,网友调侃“终于知道我念英语的方法跟谁学的了...

更多内容请点击:清华女学霸英文演讲:我三岁会唱国歌,一场疫情才理解了其中真正的... 推荐文章