To B or to C?AI大模型最直接的商业困惑

大模型拥有较好的通用和泛化能力,微调和定制化难度与能力大幅降低。 关于toB和toC的关系,智谱也有稳健的思路。 智谱AI GLM技术团队成员曾在电话会中阐述,智谱B端和C端是相辅相成的,To B业务保证了公司基础的规模化收入,To C方面的目标是培育颠覆性的“杀手级”应用,也...

President Obama and former governor Mitt Romney have teams of advisors and aides to help them prepare for their three debates. But what about the rest of us who would like some help winning an argument -\- at work, at school or at home? For advice, ...

3、通过连词otherwise, or, but, but that, though, once等表达条件 She came to town yesterday,otherwise/or I would not have met her. (otherwise/or =if she hadn't come…)昨天她...


每日一句英语:...or/otherwise... 否则…… ...or/otherwise... 否则…… 用法透视 在祈使句后面加上"or/otherwise",意思相当于汉语中的“否则,要不然的话”。两个句子是并列句,前面使用逗号,"or"是连接副词,前面有时用句号。 支持范例 1. Hurry up or you won't make...

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