Actress Liu Yifei shows off tea acrobatics in her latest outing A Dream of Splendor, marking A-list star Liu Yifei's return to the historic theme, has quickly hooked millio...
outing,名词、形容词、动词,作名词时意为“远足;短途旅游;体育比赛”。作形容词时意为“远足适用的”。作动词时意为“出来;暴露”。outing也是out的现在分词。没有outting这个单词。 1、outing的相关例句 According to what I have learnt, we are going to have an o...
踏青Spring Outing 清明时节除了祭祖,也是春游的好时光。有诗云:“梨花风起正清明,游人寻春半出城。”在温润的微风中,当循着草木的气息,外出寻找春天的足迹,强身健体又心情舒畅。 Not only is it a period for commemorating the dead, it is also time for people to...
cr:小红书@ZHOUTING 质地软硬适中,很顺滑,不用担心结块,对于新手力度非常好拿捏,眉刷也比我之前用过的都要软一些,而且它梳理眉毛的水平我超级爱,能打造出比较自然立体的雾感眉,持妆效果...
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