在英语中,"shopping for"与"buy"这两个词都与购物相关,但它们之间存在显著差异。"shopping for"指的是一系列寻找特定商品的行为,涵盖从浏览到决定购买的整个过程。"buy"则专注于购买这个动 …
目前依旧是buy比purchase常用 (另外,图中数据是从书面材料中统计的,口语中buy的频次更高)。. 正因为buy接地气,所以当代英语中,它用于任何交易,如to buy a house, vegetables at the …
释义. 购买某物. 实用场景例句. 全部. Wayne is always nipping down to the corner shop for him. 韦恩总是一溜烟跑到街角商店找他。 柯林斯例句. He still visits the village shop for buns and …
Shop generally means to go looking for something to buy at a store. Buy and purchase as verbs mean the same thing, but buy is more casual. Purchase can also be a noun, i.e “I …
为什么要用不同的介词,两者有什么区别? 若表示用多少钱买某物,通常用介词 for。 如: I bought the computer for $600. 我花 600 美元买了这台电脑。 He bought it for very little money. 他买它只花 …
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