旅行TravellingIt is exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see typical beautiful scenery of the region. Besides, you can meet and make friends with peo...
以上即是雅思口语话题旅游类方面的范文介绍,字数不是很多,但是可取之处在于结构清晰,例子也很恰当,大家可以在备考相关的雅思口语话题的时候,对上面的雅思口语范文进行适当的参考。 那么...
最新推荐 今年盛夏,全国天气如何?最新预测! 严禁偷窥大好河山?“围栏挡景”到底在挡什么? 多地老龄化程度加深,如何面对人口发展新常态? 侯友宜首次对“九二共识”表态 国台办发言人回应 始终保持严打高压态势 网络谣言打击整治专项行... 精彩图集 上海崇明:东滩湿...
I think that people will travel about the same as now. People are already travelling a lot more than they used to ten years ago, actually. But I think with recent events in...
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